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Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Monday, 4 July 2016

Lesson Plan


School                         : Rio Elementary School        
Subject                                    : English         
Unit                             : SHAPES
Class / Semester          : V / 2
Time                            : 1 x 45 minutes

Standard of Competencies
Students can get stated information from an oral text.
Basic Competencies       :
            Students can get stated information about Shapes from an oral text.
Indicator                      :
·         Students can answer questions orally
·         Students can identify specific information from oral direction
Purpose of Study :
·         Students hopefully can answer questions orally
·         Students hopefully can choose the most correct picture relates to the shapes

1.      Main Material
·        Pictures of shapes
2.      Methods of Teaching: Listening for information
3.      Steps of Study
Pre Activity
·         Introducing the kinds shapes
·         Describing the purpose of study
Main Activity
·         Matching the direction with the pictures
Last Activity
·         Practicing on students’ activity book
1.      Sources/Tools:
·         Internet
·         Source Book
2.      Assessment and Follow Up
Assessment Procedure
Type                : Examination
Form                : Written Test
Technique        : Demonstration
Form                : Performance

Form                : Exploring Students’ Behavior

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Puisi Krawang – Bekasi

Kami yang kini terbaring antara Krawang-Bekasi
tidak bisa teriak “Merdeka” dan angkat senjata lagi.
Tapi siapakah yang tidak lagi mendengar deru kami,
terbayang kami maju dan mendegap hati ?

Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi
Jika dada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak
Kami mati muda. Yang tinggal tulang diliputi debu.
Kenang, kenanglah kami.

Kami sudah coba apa yang kami bisa
Tapi kerja belum selesai, belum bisa memperhitungkan arti 4-5 ribu nyawa

Kami cuma tulang-tulang berserakan
Tapi adalah kepunyaanmu
Kaulah lagi yang tentukan nilai tulang-tulang berserakan

Atau jiwa kami melayang untuk kemerdekaan kemenangan dan harapan
atau tidak untuk apa-apa,
Kami tidak tahu, kami tidak lagi bisa berkata
Kaulah sekarang yang berkata

Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi
Jika ada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak

Kenang, kenanglah kami
Teruskan, teruskan jiwa kami
Menjaga Bung Karno
menjaga Bung Hatta
menjaga Bung Sjahrir

Kami sekarang mayat
Berikan kami arti
Berjagalah terus di garis batas pernyataan dan impian

Kenang, kenanglah kami
yang tinggal tulang-tulang diliputi debu

Beribu kami terbaring antara Krawang-Bekasi

Berikut ini video nya


Oci       : [knock the door] Assalamualaikum…
Nur       : Wa’alaikumsalam..Wait a minute [open the door] Heeey, my lovely friend, Rossi. Where
  have you been?
Oci       : Long time no see. I miss you so bad.
Nur       : Well, let’s sit down. Make yourself at home.
Oci       : Thank you
Nur       : What do you want for a drink? A coffee? Or a tea?
Oci       : No, thanks.
Nur       : Mmmh, where is Rio? I thought he came with you.
Oci       : Rio? Who is he?
Nur       : He is our friend in elementary school. When we played hide and seek, he used to hide in
  the teacher room. Do you remember him?
Oci       : Hem, yeah I remember him. He used to play the football at sport center in the afternoon.
Nur       : Where is he now? Do you have Rio’s phone number?
Oci       : Yes, sure.
Nur       : Call him now, Oci.
Oci       : Okay, wait a minute.
(At the Phone)
Oci       : Hi, Rio. Where are you now?
Rio       : Hem, who is it?
Oci       : I was your friend in elementary school, do you remember me, Rio?
Rio       : Wait a second.. [thinking] any clue?
Oci       : Okay, we used to play hide and seek together.
Rio       : Are you Darminih?
Oci       : No. Guess it again. I give you another clue, you used to go to my house when you had a
  problem with your girlfriend.
Rio       : Oh, I remember you. Are you Oci?
Oci       : Yes, you’re right. Rio, would you like to come to Nur’s house?
Rio       : Right now?
Oci       : Yes, of course.
Rio       : Okay, I’ll be there.
Nur       : See you.
[Rio knocks the door]
Nur       : It’s him.
Oci       : Come in, please. Hey Rio, how’s life?
Rio       : Not too bad. How about you?
Oci       : Very well.
Nur       : Let’s sit down. It’s very surprising me, I think we can’t sit together again like before when
              Oci moved to Jakarta several years ago.
Oci       : Yes, unbelievable.
Nur       : By the way, Oci where did you use to spend your vacations?
Oci       : I used to spend my vacation at my grandmother’s house, but she passed away three years
  ago. Now, I have spent my vacation at my apartment in Singapore.
Nur       : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Oci       : How about you, Nur?
Nur       : I have spent my vacation in Ciamis.
Rio       : Wow, what have you done there?
Nur       : I have visited my big family there.
Oci       : What a nice vacation! And how about you?
Rio       : I used to spend my vacation to look for a part-time job. Did you ever have a part-time job
  in Jakarta?
Oci       : No, never. My parents didn’t allow me to have a part-time job.
Nur       : Did you use to have a nickname, Oci?
Oci       : Yes, my nickname was Luna
  By the way, I am starving guys!
Rio       : me too.
Nur       : Sorry, I don’t have any foods.
Rio       : Okay, let’s go to the nearest Restaurant here.
Oci       : Good idea! Let’s go, let’s go….

Nur       : Okay, let’s go.

English as a lingua franca or ELF

English as a lingua franca or ELF can be defined as “an additionally acquired language system which serves as a common means of communication for speakers of different first languages”. ELF is also “defined functionally by its use in intercultural communication rather than formally by its reference to native-speaker norms” whereas English as a foreign language aims at meeting native speaker norms and gives prominence to native speaker cultural aspects. While lingua francas have been used for centuries, what makes ELF a novel phenomenon is the extent to which it is used – both functionally and geographically. A typical ELF conversation may involve an Italian and a Dane chatting at a coffee break of an international conference held in Brussels, a Spanish tourist asking a local for the way in Berlin, and many other similar situations.



The way English is used as a lingua franca is heavily dependent on the specific situation of use. Generally speaking, ELF interactions concentrate on function rather than form. In other words, communicative efficiency (i.e. getting the message across) is more important than correctness. As a consequence, ELF interactions are very often hybrid. Speakers accommodate to each other's cultural backgrounds and may also use code-switching into other languages that they know. Based on the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE) and additional research, the following features of ELF lexicogrammar have been identified:

  • use of 3rd person singular zero, as in you look very sad and he look very sad
  • shift in the use of articles (including some preference for zero articles) as in our countries have signed agreement about this
  • invariant question tags as in you’re very busy today, isn’t it? (and use of other similar universal forms)
  • treating ‘who’ and ‘which’ as interchangeable relative pronouns, as in the picture who or a person which
  • shift of patterns of preposition use, for example we have to study about
  • preference for bare and/or full infinitive over the use of gerunds, as in I look forward to see you tomorrow
  • extension to the collocational field of words with high semantic generality, for example take an operation
  • increased explicitness, for example how long time instead of how long
  • exploited redundancy, such as ellipsis of objects/complements of transitive verbs as in I wanted to go with, you can borrow
However, these features are by no means invariant or “obligatory”. Rather, these forms do not seem to compromise effective communication within an ELF setting when they do occur.

"Neutrality" of ELF

While some researchers hold that English as a lingua franca is a neutral and culture-free tool, others hold that it carries the culture and language of its speakers. Recent linguistic discussions by ELF experts treat the interact ants’ cultural and linguistic background as a factor influencing language performance. For Hülmbauer, for instance, “it seems likely that the ELF users develop their own markers of identity (be they a common 'European' or 'international' nature or more individual ones which are created online, depending on the community of practice they are emerging).” In this view, ELF is multicultural rather than culture-free.

ELF and the native speaker

ELF is used most often between non-native speakers of English but this fact does not mean that native speakers are excluded from ELF communication. However, very often they form a minority of the interlocutors. In ELF interactions, the importance lies on communication strategies other than nativeness, which can lead to communicative situations where those English native speakers who are not familiar with ELF and/or intercultural communication are at a disadvantage because they do not know how to use English appropriately in these situations.
An important issue when discussing ELF is the notion of speakers of ELF being active language users in their own right, who do not need to adhere to native speaker norms but use ELF to meet their communicative needs. Proponents of ELF thus reject the notion that it is a form of ‘deficient’ English and describe ELF speakers as users of English, not as learners.

Attitude and Motivation

Several attitude studies on the topic of ELF have already been conducted. One overarching factor seems to be a discrepancy between perceptions on the role of ELF in everyday interactions all over the globe on the one hand and the dominance of as well as reliance on native speaker norms on the other hand. Breiteneder argues that learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) often have an integrative motivation for learning and using English since they wish to identify with the culture and values of English native speakers. Thus, native speaker norms occupy a central place if English is studied as a English as a foreign language. In contrast, English as Lingua Franca users tend to focus on effective communication with speakers of other linguistic backgrounds. In ELF interactions, intelligibility is key, which may not necessitate an advantage for native speakers (see above).


Some linguists claim that variation in ELF is completely haphazard and devoid of any patterns, and therefore not worth studying. Most importantly, proponents of this view reject the idea that emerging insights into how English is used as a lingua franca can provide useful input with regard to the aims and methods of English language teaching.
Another line of criticism argues that concepts such as ELF provide a useful (terminological) veneer for continued (linguistic) domination by English-speaking countries through their political, educational, and cultural institutions. This concept of linguistic imperialism has been developed and heavily used by Robert Phillipson. Contrastingly, Davies criticises the concept and argues that it is “inhabited” by two cultures: one is a culture of guilt ("colonies should never have happened") the other is that of romantic despair ("we shouldn’t be doing what we are doing").

Related Terminology

Additionally to ‘English as a Lingua Franca’, other terms with slightly different meanings have been used in the debate and research on the global spread of English, including ‘English as an International Language’ (EIL), ‘Global English’, ‘Global Englishes’, International English, ‘World English’ and World Englishes as well as, most recently, Globish. One of the advantages of ELF terminology is that ELF does not imply a standardized version of any English variety.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Teks wawancara pekerjaan

A      :     Permisi Pak, Bolehkah saya masuk ? 
B       :     Ya, Silahkan masuk dan silahkan duduk.
A      :     Terima Kasih, Pak
B       :     Apakah nama anda ………………………. (isi nama anda) ?
A      :     Ya pak.
B       :     Baiklah, nama saya ……………………………………….., saya adalah kepala departemen sumber daya manusia hotel ini
A      :     Senang bertemu anda, Pak
B       :     Bagaimana kabar anda pagi ini ……………………………. (isi nama anda)
A      :     Kabar saya sangat baik, Pak. Terima Kasih, Bagaimana kabar Bapak?
B       :     Saya juga baik. Apakah Anda tahu apa yang akan kita lakukan, …………….. (isi nama anda)?
A      :     Ya. Pak. Saya menerima email dan telepon untuk mengikuti sesi interview pekerjaan dari perusahaan bapak tiga hari yang lalu. Sekarang saya datang ke perusahaan bapak karena saya ingin mengikuti wawancara kerja dengan Bapak.
B       :     Baiklah, dapatkah anda menceritakan tentang diri anda, ………………. (isi nama anda)?
A      :     Nama saya ……………………. Usia saya …………… tahun. Saya lulusan SMA PGRI 1 Sindang di Indramayu jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan sosial. Saya memiliki hobby …………………………. Karena akan meningkatkan …………………..
B       :     Apakah anda memiliki pengalaman pada pekerjaan ini ?
A      :     Tidak pak, saya lulusan baru. Ini adalah pertama kali saya melamar pekerjaan full time
B       :     Apa yang membuat anda memutuskan untuk melamar posisi Manager di Hotel Barnetta.
A      :     Saya pikir posisi Manager di Hotel Barnetta adalah posisi pekerjaan yang tepat untuk saya. Karena itu saya memilih Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. Saya yakin bahwa kemampuan dan bakat saya akan mendatangkan keberhasilan perusahaan. Saya juga dapat melihat masa depan yang cerah dari karir saya dengan bergabung perusahaan ini.
B       :     Baik. Lalu apa kekuatan dan kelemahan anda ?
A      :     Kekuatan saya adalah kegembiraan saya, kehati-hatian saya, kekuatan saya untuk belajar hal yang baru, dan skill saya untuk bekerja dibawah tekanan dan juga bekerja dalam team. Kelemahan saya adalah phobia ……………….
B       :     Baik, ini adalah waktu yang sangat bagus untuk sedikit berbicara dengan anda, ………... (isi nama anda)? Kami akan memberitahukan hasil interview ini dalam satu minggu. Terima kasih untuk datang kesini

A      :     Ya. Terima kasih, pak

Monday, 27 June 2016


Upacara Bendera hari Senin, tanggal …………………………. SMA PGRI 1 SINDANG
segera dimulai.

1.     Masing-masing pemimpin barisan menyiapkan barisannya.
2.     Pemimpin upacara memasuki lapangan upacara
3.     Penghormatan peserta upacara kepada pemimpin upara dipimpin oleh pemimpin barisan yang paling kanan.
4.     Laporan setiap pemimpin barisan kepada pemimpin upacara.


1.     Pembina upacara memasuki lapangan upacara.
2.     Penghormatan peserta upacara kepada pembina upacara dipimpin oleh pemimpin upacara.
3.     Laporan pemimpin upacara kepada pembina upacara bahwa upacara siap dimulai.
4.     Pengibaran Bendera Merah Putih diiringi lagu Indonesia Raya.
5.     Mengheningkan cipta dipimpin oleh pembina upacara.
6.     Pembacaan teks Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
7.     Pembacaan teks Pancasila, diikuti oleh seluruh peserta upacara.
8.     Amanat pembina upacara, peserta upacara diistirahatkan.
9.       Menyayikan lagu wajib Nasional “………………….”
10.    Pembacaan doa.
11.    Laporan pemimpin upacara kepada pembina upcara bahwa upcara telah selesai dilaksanakan.
12.    Penghormatan kepada pembina upacara dimpimpin oleh pemimpin upacara.
13.    Pembina upacara meninggalkan lapangan upacara.

1.             Pemimpin upacara menyerahkan komando kepada tiap-tiap pemimpin pasukan.
2.             Penghormatan kepada pemimpin upacara dipimpin oleh pemimpin barisan yang paling kanan.
3.             Pemimpin upacara diperkenankan meninggalkan lapangan upacara.
1.       Pengumuman-pengumuman.
2.      Upacara selesai, Pemimpin barisan membubarkan barisannya

Language Variation

  1. Varieties of English
    • VARIATION: Natural phenomenon
    • Language is a form of social behavior and communities tend to split up into groups, each displaying differences of behavior
    • Language manifests differences of behavior
    • Language is the variety of speakers
    • Speakers vary in their vocabulary and skills to use it
    • Linguistic variables have both social and style variation, some only social, but none style variation only
2.      Individuals differ in the manner in which they speak their native tongue, although usually not markedly within a small area. The differences among groups of speakers in the same speech community can, however, be considerable. These variations of a language constitute its dialects. All languages are continuously changing, but if there is a common direction of change it has never been convincingly described. Various factors, especially the use of written language, have led to the development of a standard language in most of the major speech communities—a special official dialect of a language that is theoretically maintained unchanged.
3.      This official dialect is the school form of a language, and by a familiar fallacy has been considered the norm from which everyday language deviates. Rather, the standard language is actually a development of some local dialect that has been accorded prestige. The standard English of England is derived from London English and the standard Italian is that of Tuscany. Use of the standard language is often a mark of polite behavior. In the United States employing standard English, which largely entails the usage of approved grammar and pronunciation, marks a person as cultivated. Ordinary speech may be affected by the standard language. Thus, many forms of expression come to be considered ungrammatical and substandard and are regarded as badges of ignorance, such as you was in place of the standard you were.

4.      As in other fields of etiquette, there is variation. Gotten is acceptable in the United States but not in England. The literary standard may differ from the colloquial standard of educated people, and the jargon of a trade may be unintelligible to outsiders. Such linguistic variations in English are mainly a matter of vocabulary. An auxiliary language is a nonnative language adopted for specific use; such languages include lingua franca, pidgin, and international language.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Making Appointment

(On the phone)
Ihsan   : Hello, are you Rio Barnetta?
Rio       : Yes, Of course. Who is it?
Ihsan   : Oh, I am a customer, my name is Ihsan. I would like to order your T-shirt
Rio       : Hem, what is code product of it?
Ihsan   : It is 17760, the color is yellow
Rio       : Okay, I will check it. If it is available, I will send a message to you, or you
  can wait it.
Ihsan   : Yeah, I will wait it.
Rio       :Okay wait a minute…… Oh, it is available. Do you want it?
Ihsan   : Absolutely. How much is it?
Rio       : It is one hundred thousand rupiahs, but it doesn’t include the postage.
  The postage depends on the area.
Ihsan   : I come from Indramayu. So, how much are all of them?
Rio       : It is just one hundred and five thousand rupiahs.
Ihsan   : Oh, it is so cheap. How to pay all of them?
Rio       : You can transfer to my account in bank BRI.
Ihsan   : Oh, what a pity. I don’t have any account. Can we meet in somewhere?
Rio       : Yes, we can meet in sport center at 4 o’clock.
Ihsan   : Yes, I’ll be there. Can you carry your T-shit couple too when I pay you on
Rio       : Oh, it absolutely not.
Ihsan   : Why? So, when will I receive my order?
Rio       : Because, it is not ready stock. You must pay the first, after that the
  clothes will be sent to your house
Ihsan   : How long is it?
Rio       : It is about two until four days after the transaction.
Ihsan   : Hem, it doesn’t matter. Okay see you on there, Rio Barnetta.

Rio       : Okay, see you too

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


A. Background of Study
English is a widely spoken language, so it becomes a global language. As an international language, English has become a tool for International communication in every single life business. Many people learn English because they think it will be useful in some way for international communication and travel. (Harmer, 2007:11)
In English study, four language skills should be mastered are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In facts, speaking is one of the most important things in life, thus any expression of thought that comes from mind can be conveyed by speaking. Harmer (2001) argues that the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language 'on the spot'. For instance in daily lives most of people speak more than write. On the other hands, speaking a foreign language usually seems much harder than learning to write and read it.
Wardhaugh (1986) says that when two or more people communicate with other in speech, we can call the system of communication that they employ a code. Harmer (2007) argues that the meaning of language depends on where it occurs. Such a great importance brings with it huge challenge to the teacher of the language. This challenge is not only the matter of methodology and instructional strategy and also a matter between the student’s interest and motivation to learn the language.

Dornyei (2001) says that when the target of the learning process is the mastery of a second language, it becomes even more complex. Dornyei (2002) adds that the learner’s enthusiasm, commitment and persistence are the key determinant of success or failure.

First trouble is that we are lack of motivation underlying rare practices affecting on the speaking ability. Motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon which can be defined in terms of two factors: learner’s communicative needs and their attitudes toward the second language community. If learners need to speak the second language in with range of social situations or to fulfill professional ambitions, they will perceive the communicative value of the second language and will therefore be motivated to acquire proficiency in it. It means that when learning language the role of motivation is very important since the students can’t learn effectively with less motivation. This research will focus on the motivation to speak English, because speaking English considered has so many troubles to do, compare with other three English skills. In accustom to speak English, people generally said that they feel shy to utter words, they have fears to be wrong, they don’t want to take offense if people mock them because of their wrongness; it badly affect their motivation to speak.

Walker and symons (1997) cited in Dornyei (2001) say that human motivation is at its highest when people are competent, have sufficient, set worthwhile goals, get feedback and are affirmed by others. Dörnyei (2001) says there are two key factors: first, individual expectations of success; and secondly the value individuals put on success (or their negative fear of failure). If individuals have high positive feelings on both factors, they will have a high degree of positive motivation. If one of these factors is missing, they will be less motivated. Dörnyei (2001) adds that there are various factors that affect expectancy of success. These include past experiences (attribution theory), judging individual abilities and competence (self-efficacy theory) and maintaining self-esteem (selfworth theory).

Panits (1997) argues that in the collaborative model groups would assume almost total responsibility for answering the question. The students determine if they had enough information to answer the question. If not they identify other sources, such as journals, books, videos, the internet, to name a few. The work of obtaining the extra source material would be distributed among the group members by the group members. The group would decide how many reasons they could identify. But not all of our institutions apply it in their educational process, recently there have been a lot of school who teach the students on how collaborate each other and try to solve a problem together. 



Alhamdulillahirabilalamin. Thanks to Allah SWT, by his blessing, mercy and permission, the writer is able to finish this Paper entitled “Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking English through Collaborative Learning”.
This paper is submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan degree of English Department of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Science of Wiralodra University Indramayu. This paper is aimed to know whether collaborative learning to speak English is effective to improve students’ motivation or not.
The writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect. This is caused by limitation of his knowledge. Therefore the writer is willing to welcome any constructive critics to make this paper better. However, the writer hopes this paper useful for the writer his self, reader in general.

Indramayu,  Januari 2015

The Writer

Inilah akibat kalau pembantu lebih terbiasa dengan pekerjaan rumah dibandingkan majikannya

Ketika pembantu pulang mudik lebaran

Si tum, pembantu yang mempunyai dedikasi & komitmen yang tinggi terhadap tugasnya, baru saja tiba di kampung halamannya, mengirim BBM kepada ibu majikannya:
Bu.. Tum udah sampai di kampung, mau ngingetin kerjaan selama Tum ga ada ya Bu....

1. Jangan lupa cuciannya dikasih pelembut dan pewangi
2. Kalau jemur pakaian jangan lupa di balik ya bu
3. Kalau sore taman depan & belakang disiram, juga di pot-pot tapi jangan kebanyakan nyiramnya, nanti akarnya busuk
4. Makanan kucing, Tum taruh di garasi, tolong dikasih makan jam 10 pagi & jam 6 sore.
5. Oh ya Bu, besok jangan kemana-mana, Tum sudah minta parto tukang sayur untuk nganterin ketupat dan sambal gorengnya buat ibu sekeluarga, jadi ditunggu aja.
6. Kalau koran ga datang no telp agen ada di meja telpon.
7. Gas keliatannya tinggal untuk 3 hari, juga aqua galon keliatannya sudah mesti dipesen. juga keliatannya langganan tukang aqua mudik, jadi beli aja di kerfur.

Nb: Oh ya satu lagi bu, selama Tum mudik, ibu mandinya pake sabun Tum aja yah, soalnya Bapak lebih seneng wangi sabun Tum dari pada wangi parfum ibu yang nyegrak katanya ....
~Oia jangan lupa gantiin pijitin bapak ya? Kasihan bapak suka pegel2, biasa jam 1 siang, bapak pulang sebentar ke rumah... waktu ibu sedang jemput anak-anak di sekolah, tapi kali ini pijitnya jangan dikamar Tum ya bu, soalnya kuncinya Tum bawa

Daah ibu....